Careful and gentle brushing and flossing are necessary to keep your teeth clean and protect them against any issues related to teeth and gums. But, an oral hygiene regimen, no matter how good it is, cannot clean every nook and cranny of your tooth. More specifically, teeth in the back of your mouth are more …
You may be wondering about your bad breath, even though you might not be eating onion or garlic more often. You may have this bad breath due to your gums. This gum-related bad breath is also known as perio breath, and it is a sign of a bigger problem with your gums. In this article, …
New studies have shown that probiotics, which are live microorganisms that are considered friendly bacteria, can have health benefits that go far beyond the stomach. This new area of research shows that this can help not only with bad breath, but even fighting gum disease and plaque too. This can help stop and slow the …
A lot of children see the dentist before they turn 1, and some go when they are 1. But, why is that so important. The biggest thing is of course, the cycle of tooth decay. These conditions do create a cycle of events in a lot of babies that create oral health, decay causing bacteria, …
With the changes happening during COVID-19, it might be hard to get into your daily routine. But you need to take care of not just your mental and physical health, but also practice good dental hygiene. If you’re not, you could put yourself at risk for various infections, which are harder to take care of …
Gingivitis is something that you should go to the dentist to get fully treated, but if you’re not seeing the dentist for a bit, you should definitely consider natural alternatives. This is also good if you’re worried about plaque forming. You should never swallow the ingredients, and always get the high-quality products that you want …
Oral Psoriasis is something that can show up in your mouth, and this is a little bit unexpected. It isn’t a serious medical concern, but it does make you uncomfortable, and the truth is, it’s very hard for people to get the diagnosis that they need for this, simply because most doctors have never seen …