Category: Blog

What are Dental Bridges?

If you’ve recently lost a tooth from injury, medical issues, or other natural causes, you may wonder how to restore your smile since it creates gaps and cosmetic issues, along with pain when you chew, jaw discomfort, and other problems. But, dental bridges can help, and here, we’ll talk about all that these bridges can …

Invisalign Benefits!

Invisalign is essentially clear aligners that allow you to achieve a smile that you want.  But, are they better than traditional braces, or even lingual braces? Well, here are the benefits of Invisalign, and what they can do for you. Most cases can be treated via Invisalign, and it’s quite nice since it can make …

Common Dental Myths Debunked

You may have heard of dental myths before, but they’re rampant in the industry, and often, it creates a problem for people because they believe it, and it can affect the health of the teeth. Here are the top dental myths debunked, and what they really mean for you. The first one is that you …

Braces and Oral Hygiene

When you have braces, you need to focus on your oral hygiene.  Those brackets and rubber bands are the perfect locales for some debris and plaque, and it can cause cavities and so much worse if you’re not taking care of it properly.  It often is quite frustrating to do, but if you take care …

Orthodontics for Children

If your child has teeth that are crooked, or a jaw bite that si wrong, you may need to see an orthodontist. An orthodontist is someone who uses brackets, bands, headgear wires, retainers, aligners, and the like to help. Braces are used in many dental cases, since they can correct straightened teeth that are misaligned …

Why Does Your Jaw Hurt?

You may wonder why your jaw may hurt. It could be somethingas common as a toothache, or as big as a heart attack, but here are some commonreasons why. Your jawbone is a mandible, which connects to the school at thedifferent points known as TMJs, and the are just in front of where your earsare, …

When Should You see an Orthodontist

Orthodontists can help with making your teeth move, and can realign a crooked smile into one that’s healthy and straight.  If you’re looking to have a straighter, prettier smile, then it’s worth it. The main reason people see orthodontists is because of malocclusion, which is a bad bite. Orthodontists will help straighten out teeth and …