How to safely store the toothbrush
A toothbrush is the first defense against both gingivitis and decay, so you should make sure that you store these well. Safe storage for this isn’t hard, but it can help if you keep these nicely in place.
First and foremost, you should make sure that you don’t put them in a container where they don’t dry out quickly. Those little containers that have no air holes actually can cause problems because microbes and bacteria grow faster in those conditions. Medicine cabinets can be food if there is enough air going through there.

There is also the placement that counts here. Keep it away from the sink and toilet. The toilet causes the aerosol o it, and this is when there are germs on the toothbrush after flushing, and definitely not what you want on a toothbrush, that’s for sure. Storage for this shouldn’t be closed to the sink due to dirty water. You should find a place on the bathroom counter near the far corner, far away from the toilet and sink. You can get a wall-mounted toothbrush holder if you’re the type that has limited space on their counter already.

You should try to keep it at least 4 feet away from the toilet bowl, which is pretty doable if you know what you need to do.
Then there is sharing. You should make sure that every family member has a different toothbrush so that they can distinguish from one another. If you have children, sharing toys is one thing,s toothbrushes not so much. You should make sure that the toothbrushes don’t’ touch within the container since that can make the bacteria transfer to and from each container, which is something that you don’t need, that’s for sure.

Finally, let’s talk about cleaning. Cleaning these frequently can be helpful to prevent the buildup of dust, germs, and bacteria that can contaminate the toothbrushes of the family. Depending on your container, the cleaning can be as simple as wiping them down with an antibacterial cleaner or washing the container for this in the dishwasher. If you need to do a more extensive cleaning, do so but if you notice that the toothbrush is really gross, then it might be best if you just stop using this, and you try to get a new one for this. With all that you need and all of the different options to choose from, you’ll be able to create the best and healthiest experience.

Understanding which toothbrushes work best for you to have will help to make this even better for you as well. The right type of different toothbrushes for your family will help with this, and cleaning a toothbrush will make the job a lot less dirty, and you can make it much healthier for you.
The right cleaning prevents germs, which is good, because there is already a ton of different germs out there already, and this can, in turn, help you improve your health as well.