Keto and Oral Health
Keto is incredibly popular, especially for losing weight, and many have been able to lower their blood sugar with keto. But, how does it impact the oral health of the body? Well, we have the answers for that here.
Keto, as you may know, is the low carb, high fat diet, and it eliminates most carbs. Having less sugar, of course, can reduce the bacteria within the mouth that is better for teeth and gums. Many love the idea of better oral health, and there is a connection between keto and oral health, but the problem is, people don’t tell you about one of the major side effects of keto, and that is keto breath.

it’s essentially a small that’s either acetone or fruity, and sometimes, unless there is a little bit of change to it, it can be pretty unpleasant. Funky breath is the indication of the diet working, but it definitely isn’t fun to deal with.
The cause of this is a side effect of ketones that are produced, and your body will be keto-adapted when it starts utilizing more ketones. When you become keto-adapted, the bad breath goes away, and you won’t have to deal with keto for a long time with the bad breath since it can last up to a month.

But, you don’t’ want to deal with bad breath, right? Well, it’s important to prevent this as much as you can. First and foremost, drink a lot more water. Your body stops producing saliva when you don’t’ eat, and you’ll notice you’re eating less. If you have a dry mouth, you’re going to have more bacteria that produce the foul smell, so you should definitely keep your hydration up.

Next, keep up with your oral health. Even though you may have keto breath after brushing, make sure you keep up with this and use a mouthwash that doesn’t contain alcohol every single day. You should also chew some sugar-free gum as well to help keep your breath fresher, and it can also help you with producing saliva in the mouth as well.
You should also take it slow. Gradually cut carbs out rather than just go cold turkey. This will help change and release the ketones at once, and adapting to the keto diet takes time, and it can prevent keto breath.
Finally, work to de-stress yourself. This is definitely more important on keto than you think, and it also will help with the digestion of these proteins. Anxiety can also cause acid reflux, which is known for bad breath, so de-stress yourself when starting the new diet, and do learn these techniques whenever you can, especially if you haven’t already.
Keto breath is embarrassing, but if you take the right preventative measures, you’ll be much happier with the results, and treating this breath can do you a whole lot of good. Definitely, do this, and check on the way your keto breath is, and try to curb it if you can.