Food that’s Good for the Mouth
In order to prevent cavities, you can choose how often you eat, and that’s just as important as what you eat since food affects the teeth for a long while after you swallow.
Eating cookies may even do less harm if you eat them with dinner, than a separate snack. Bad nutrition does contribute to gum disease, and it can have long-term effects within your mouth, and you should know about the effects of the food when you eat them.

When you initially eat them, bacteria in your mouth may make acids, and that causes cavities. Carbs will break down into simple sugars, and then they’re broken down in the mouth if they’re fermentable. Other foods won’t break down until they go further down your digestive tract. Fermentable carbs work with bacteria in order to form acids that start decay and ruin teeth. Sugary foods including cookies and cakes, but also any carb foods including fruits have this effect. Certain bacteria on the teeth will use the sugars to create acids, and it will dissolve on the enamel, creating demineralization. You can also regain minerals, creating remineralization, and saliva does help these minerals build back up, along with fluoride and some foods.

Decay tends to happen when the minerals are being lost faster than regained.
The longer food is in the mouth, the more acids produced, which is why sticky carbs can do a ton of damages, but other foods that get into crevices also cause delay. A handful of chips does this, and if you have areas with lots of nooks and crannies, including molars, they will trap food, which causes tooth decay.

Many of the foods that aren’t healthy for teeth will make acids that are produced while eaten, and they stick around for about a half hour. Depending on your patterns, it is possible for the bacteria to create acid constantly, especially if you sip the soft drinks throughout the day, and the same goes for starchy snacks, which causes decay to happen. So, how do you prevent this/ well, first and foremost, you want to have foods that prevent teeth from decaying, such as cheese immediately after other food. Sugarless gum is also a good part of this since it creates saliva, and it will protect against bacteria. Too much xylitol can be a laxative though, so be careful.
You should try to make sure not to sip or snack on carbs throughout the day, and in truth, you should try to focus on foods that remineralize. If your mouth is not getting enough nutrition it can lead to tooth loss, gum disease, and bad breath. Whole grains, healthier veggies, fruits, a diet with grain products, veggies, and fruits, and also focusing on meats and nuts and beans will prevent the acids from forming. You should also make sure to drink water, and brush whenever you can. This, in turn, will not only moderate all of this but will prevent acids too.