Should I replace My Silver Fillings

Should I replace My Silver Fillings

Silver fillings are usually silvery fillings that you may have gotten in the past.  They were used in the past to fill cavities, but due to safety issues, many wonder if they should have the amalgam fillings replaced with a different material. The answer is that it really depends on you, the dentist that you have, and your teeth as well.

The silver amalgam fillings are usually the stand-by filling for many years. that’s because most people recognize the amalgams as silver fillings. Silver amalgam is a mixture of different metals, including mercury, tin, silver, and copper. Some prefer the amalgam because it works with copper resins better than the plastic or ceramic ones. People use amalgam because it’s effective, less expensive when compared to the alternatives, and the cavities are filled quickly.

But, this does cause controversy, and that’s because of mercury, which is one of the metals used in it.  It makes up about half of the compound and is used to bind the materials to create a filling that’s hard and durable.  The problem with it is that it’s been linked to different health issues such as headaches, tremors, various emotional changes, and even muscle weakness. But, the ADA maintains that the silver amalgams are still okay, for they provide a safe, durable, and an affordable alternative.  But, you don’t need to get the unnecessary removal of these fillings because the small amount of mercury that’s released could actually affect the tooth structure.

So what is the answer? What should you do? The answer is really up to you and the dentist. If you feel the amalgam is deteriorating and you don’t want to deal with it anymore, you can get it removed.  If the seal between these two breaks down, usually called a leaky filling, this is also grounds for replacement because the food particles and bacteria that cause decay to work their way underneath your filling, which can lead to further decay of the tooth. When left untreated, it affects the dental pulp near the center of this tooth, and this can cause an abscess.

Of course, you can always just use other filling options besides these. The composite fillings are usually popular because they blend in with ow the tooth normally looks, and they are nice, but they don’t last as long, especially on the molars because they take a brunt of the grinding that happens.

There is also another option, which is gold, but usually, that’s much pricier, and you can also try ceramics and glass isomer fillings. Ceramics are usually made of porcelain, and typically re more resistant to staining than the composite being that’s usually used.  Generally, these last more than 15 years and they cost about the same as gold. Glass is usually used with an acrylic and glass material, and it’s commonly used for fillings that are underneath the gumline, or for young children, but drilling is still required. The reason for a glass isomer would be because they release fluoride, which helps with tooth decay, but the problem is that this is weaker than resin, which means that it’s much more susceptible to wear and tear than you might believe.  

Ultimately, the choice of what you want to use is dependent on the dentist.  You will have to take into account the size of, along with the location of the cavity, any cosmetic concerns that might come with this, and the cost of it as well.  You should ask the dentist to talk to you about all of the choices that are possible for your fillings so that you can figure out for yourself which one is best for you. But, silver fillings do have some controversy to them, and you should make sure that you take the time to decide for yourself, and figure out which ones you want to have.  The fillings that you choose are ultimately up to you and should be something that you should consider if you’re worried about whether or not you’re going to the right place, or if you’re getting a filling that works for you as a result of all that happens.